Drag and drop an image here or click to upload Up to 50 MB. Based on 228 votes To leave a vote, upload an image. Remove EXIF data from the image to protect your personal info. Find when and where the picture was taken. $exif = exif_read_data('tests/test1.jpg', 'IFD0') Įcho $exif=false ? "No header data found.\n" : "Image contains headers\n" Uncover hidden metadata from your photos. => ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, COMMENT, EXIF I hope these will help you get what you need. If you scroll down you will see two very interesting keys:

8 core Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.9) Posted on 1:20 PM Reply I have.
However, there are other ways such as renaming the files with any name and saving it or simply using a general file reducing program like CCleaner. To do this, I have to make certain that the versions contain no EXIF data, but I cannot figure out how to get rid of the EXIF data.

This (below) was printed on command line to stdout using print_r(). To remove your EXIF data: One way would be through using editing software which could delete metadata (e.g., Adobe Photoshop). Write a php script to print out the exif_read_data array and you will find all sorts of interesting information. Okay, I know this is a bit late as this question was posted a year ago, but I am posting this answer because I had the same question and my husband showed me a trick or two about how to get the answer, so I am sharing it.